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VC Summer Nuclear Plant

The V.C. Summer Nuclear Station in Fairfield county produces electricity for customers of Dominion Energy and Santee Cooper. Dominion Energy operates the plant under strict safety rules to protect public health and safety with oversight from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

About V.C. Summer

How It Works

  1. Inside of a closed system, water is heated by uranium fuel and kept under pressure.
  2. The water is run through a steam generator.
  3. The water from the reactor remains in this closed system to be used over and over. The generator heats a separate loop of steam used to turn the turbine to make electricity. This steam in a separate system is not mixed with the generator's water.
  4. After the turbine makes electricity, steam is condensed by cooling water from Monticello Reservoir. The condensed steam is reheated and the process is repeated.
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