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What is Parallel Generation?

"Parallel generation" refers to a generator that produces electricity while it is connected to the electric grid. Your electrician or consultant can tell you whether your generator will operate in parallel.

Solar Field

Generator Interconnection

You'll need permission to interconnect your parallel generator to Dominion Energy’s electric grid. Interconnections must be individually accepted and inspected prior to beginning parallel operation.

There are several options available for interconnecting your parallel generator, including net metering or selling the generator output. Specific requirements will vary depending on the state in which your project is located and whether it is a distribution or transmission interconnection.

Net Metering

If your generator is fueled entirely by renewable energy and will offset a portion or all of the load behind your Dominion Energy retail meter, your proposed generation may qualify for Net Metering. Please visit our Net Metering homepage for more information.

Parallel Generation Other than Net Metering

Under State Jurisdiction

If your interconnection does not involve federal jurisdiction, your request will be processed in accordance with the appropriate state requirements.

Dominion Energy Virginia

State jurisdictional interconnections In Virginia, other than Net Metering, are subject to the Regulations Governing Interconnection of Small Electrical Generators and Storage in Chapter 314 of the Virginia Administrative Code and Section XXVI of Dominion Energy Virginia’s Terms and Conditions.

These regulations provide information, application forms and requirements for interconnection and parallel operation of customer-owned generating facilities in Virginia.

Interconnection requests are categorized into three levels in the regulations.

  • Level 1 – A request to interconnect a certified small generating facility (SGF) no larger than 500 kilowatts (kW) shall be evaluated under the Level 1 process.
  • Level 2 – A request to interconnect a certified SGF no larger than 2 MW and not qualifying for the Level 1 process shall be evaluated under the Level 2 process.
  • Level 3 – A request to interconnect an SGF not qualifying for the Level 1 process or Level 2 process shall be evaluated under the Level 3 process.

To submit an interconnection request, complete the appropriate application form and submit it with the proper application fee to the Dominion Energy address below.

Generator Interconnections
Dominion Energy Virginia
600 E. Canal Street - Floor 11 South
Richmond, Virginia 23219

Under Federal Jurisdiction

Many interconnections to our distribution system involve federal jurisdiction. Since all requests involving federal jurisdiction are processed by PJM Interconnection, you should initially contact PJM about your request.

Depending upon the characteristics of your interconnection, PJM will either process your request or suggest that you contact us to process your request under state jurisdiction. PJM Interconnection is the regional transmission organization (RTO) that administers many of the interconnections to Dominion Energy’s system in accordance with the PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).

You can learn more about PJM Generator Interconnection Procedures on the PJM website.

Interconnections to Dominion Energy’s transmission system must also comply with our Facility Connection Requirements. Additional information about Dominion Energy’s electric transmission system including PJM OATT, informational postings/notices required by Federal mandates and electric transmission planning and statistics are available on the Electric Transmission web page.

Alternatively, a Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 Interconnection Request may be submitted on-line by clicking the link below and uploading the completed Interconnection Request form and associated information, as directed. For the upload to be successful, please zip (compress) files to be uploaded such that the cumulative size of the files is less than 3 MB. Banking information (Routing and Account Numbers) will be needed to submit an e-check for the application fee.

On-line Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 Interconnection Request

Other Resources

  • Overview—Interconnection Steps provides a helpful listing of the basic steps for interconnecting your generator.
  • For electric service, please consult Dominion Energy’s Blue Book—Information and Requirements. Section 190 of the Blue Book has information regarding customer generation.

For more information on generator interconnections or parallel operation, call 804-775-5658, send us an email, or write a letter to:

  • Generator Interconnections
    Dominion Energy Virginia
    600 E. Canal Street - Floor 11 South
    Richmond, Virginia 23219
Virginia Queue Status Report
  • The Virginia Queue Status Report will be updated on a quarterly basis. Please refer to DISCLAIMER.
Virginia Queue Performance Report
  • The Virginia Queue Performance Report will be updated on a semi-annual basis. Please refer to DISCLAIMER.
Targeted Cluster Study Approach Pilot Quarterly Report
  • The State Corporation Commission of Virginia issued an Order directing the Company to conduct a pilot examining the use of targeted cluster studies as a possible alternative to, or addition to, the current interconnection study process.
  • Access the notification form
DER Interconnection Parameters Manual
  • The Interconnection Parameters for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) guide includes details of Dominion Energy's DER general study process and parameters, and DER general interconnection parameters.
Hosting Capacity Tool
  • This tool shows the distribution grid’s available hosting capacity to help guide customers and developers on installation placement, ultimately saving time and money.

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