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In order to serve you better, please select your Dominion Energy location services.

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What Can I Do?

Here are some common causes of higher bills and what you can do to manage your energy usage and help lower your bill.

Weather Fluctuations

It takes more electricity to cool and heat your home during higher and lower temperatures.

Recommendation: Keep your thermostat set to 78°F in the summer and 68°F in the winter.

Unpaid Balance

Your bill may be higher if you are carrying over an unpaid balance from a previous month.

Recommendation: View your current amount due by signing into your account.

Recreational Appliances

A pool or hot tub can increase your electricity bill based on how often you use it, the size, and pump type.

Recommendation: Keep heaters, pumps and motors well maintained and schedule regular maintenance check-ups.

Poor Insulation

Poor insulation can lead to air leaks which can cause your home to lose heat and let in excess moisture. This makes your HVAC system work harder.

Recommendation: A home energy audit can help you identify where your home is wasting energy, and you can then improve your insulating and sealing.

Inefficient Appliances

Older appliances are less energy-efficient and could be using more energy. Faulty appliances, such as a leaky water heater, can lead to a high bill.

Recommendation: Have a professional perform routine maintenance on major appliances to avoid system failure and higher-than-normal bills from unknown energy usage.

Rate Plans

If you have a rate plan with cheaper rates during off-peak hours, a billing cycle with increased usage during peak hours could result in a higher bill.

Recommendation: Make sure you understand which periods gives you the ability to shift your usage to cheaper, or off-peak hours.

Full House

When you have more people in your home, during holidays or school breaks, energy usage can be higher than normal. Working from home can lead to a higher bill if you are using appliances or electronics.

Recommendation: Encourage guests to use natural light and turn off lights in unused rooms. Unplug electronics when not in use, and take advantage of power-saving modes.

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Compare Your Usage

It's important to not just compare it with last month but compare it with your bill from the same time last year. You might notice a pattern or seasonal trend.

View my energy usage.

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