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Choose to implement your own conservation measures
Dominion Energy North Carolina is committed to meeting present and future energy demand effectively and to provide a reliable supply of energy at the lowest reasonable cost to our customers.
We'll achieve this by offering a balanced portfolio consisting of a combination of new traditional and renewable generation facilities, as well as demand side management and energy efficiency (DSM/EE) programs. These programs are designed to encourage consumers to modify their level and pattern of electricity usage.
North Carolina G. S § 62 133.9(f) and North Carolina Public Utilities Rule R8 69(d) allow the possibility of flexibility for certain large commercial or industrial customers regarding their participation in and paying for DSM/EE programs. Customers may submit an Opt Out Notice Form either via email or postal mail:
Dominion Energy North Carolina
Energy Conservation - Opt Out
P.O. Box 26666
Richmond, Virginia 23261-6666
What do I have to do in order to opt out of DSM/EE programs?
Eligible customers must notify us of their request to opt out of participating in and paying for the DSM/EE programs by providing a list of the specific eligible customer account names, numbers, and addresses they wish to opt out, on the Opt Out Notice Form. The request must state that the account(s), at their own expense, have either implemented in the past or plan to implement in the future, alternative energy conservation measures in accordance with stated, quantifiable goals.
Can I opt out now and then decide to participate in future DSM/EE programs?
Yes, however, any customer who elects to participate in a future DSM/EE program must pay the associated rider. A customer who opts out but subsequently elects to participate in a new demand-side management or energy efficiency program, loses the right to be exempt from payment for the rider for five years.
I have multiple accounts with Dominion Energy North Carolina. Can I opt out some of these accounts while keeping others opted in?
Yes, you can opt out per individual account provided your accounts meet the eligibility requirements.
How can I tell if my request to opt out has been made effective on my account(s)?
Once we have received an eligible customer’s Opt Out request, the customer bill will not show any Rider C charges, effective with the next meter reading following the receipt of their request.
Who should I contact if I have questions about this opt-out process?
If you have additional questions, please contact your account manager or the Business Service Center at 866-366-4357.
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