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This interactive tool helps optimize solar projects in Virginia and North Carolina by providing guidance to customers about which parts of the Dominion Energy electric distribution system may be more suitable to site new clean energy installations.
The maps show the distribution grid’s available hosting capacity to help guide customers and developers on installation placement, ultimately saving time and money. By indicating the amount of resources that can potentially be connected, the tool helps ensure safety and reliability as Dominion Energy focuses on limiting voltage and thermal issues.
The utility-scale generation hosting capacity map primarily benefits larger-scale solar customers and developers. The residential generation hosting capacity map benefits residential customers. The analytic capabilities will evolve and improve as more intelligent grid devices and smart meters are deployed and additional grid information becomes available.
The Hosting Capacity Tool is part of the company's Grid Transformation Plan – a 10-year plan to transform Virginia's energy grid and give customers more ways to save money, more reliable service, and more access to renewable energy.
Hosting capacity value: The utility-scale map shows the hosting capacity limit calculated from the distribution lines and other distribution facilities, not including any distribution transformers. The residential generation map shows either the same utility-scale hosting capacity limit, or the distribution transformer size, whichever is lower. In other words, the residential generation map assumes solar will be connected behind the distribution transformer, and it incorporates that limit.
Display symbols: The utility-scale map shows distribution lines. Each line section is colored according to the hosting capacity limited by that section and all upline facilities. The residential generation map shows distribution transformers serving residential customers. Each marker is colored according to the hosting capacity limited by that transformer and all upline distribution lines and facilities. On both maps, a line or transformer is not shown if it has no remaining solar hosting capacity.
Display units: The utility-scale map displays data in megawatts. The residential generation map displays data in kilowatts.
Open one of the maps and move to the desired region in Dominion Energy's electric service territory in Virginia and North Carolina, zooming in (+ button) and out (- button) as needed. A “Find address or place” search tool is located on the right panel. Refer to the Legend for the capacity range indicated by each line color.
As an example of interpreting the legend, when seeking a potential location for a 10-MW generator on the utility-scale map, a section colored yellow (with availability up to 8 MW) would not have enough capacity. Look for a green, blue or purple section instead.
Sections on the utility-scale map may be clicked to display their hosting capacity with two additional attributes. The Line Voltage is the voltage on the selected line section. The Source Voltage is the voltage at the start of the feeder, in the substation.
Transformers on the residential map may be clicked to display their hosting capacity.
Note that the maps do not show hosting capacity data until zoomed in to a smaller area.
Yes, the map layers are available in the REST service format. The REST URL is provided below the legend on both the utility-scale and residential maps.
Hosting capacity analysis is performed with electric distribution modeling software. Each distribution feeder is analyzed to determine how much additional renewable generation can be safely and reliably integrated to each segment of the feeder without causing problems to existing customers and facilities or making additional system upgrades. The analysis considers thermal limits, reverse power flow specifications, and voltage effects.
The analysis results are presented on a map showing the potentially available capacity for additional generation in each area, with symbols colored by capacity ranges. Data is shown in megawatts (MW) or kilowatts (kW) of available hosting capacity for generation.
Note: The hosting capacity map does not consider the impact of DER on the performance of voltage regulating devices such as substation or line regulators and transformer LTCs, and their ability to maintain voltage within filing. An interconnection study will be needed to confirm the information shown in the hosting capacity map.
The current version of hosting capacity analysis excludes industrial feeders and network feeders. In addition, the utility-scale map (but not the residential generation map) excludes one- and two-phase lines, sections below 11kV, and conductor within proximity of the company's critical assets or customers. The hosting capacity values on the residential generation map are based on the primary facilities and the transformer, but not the secondary conductor.
The analysis does not consider interconnection projects that are in earlier stages of development but are not yet connected as active generation. It also does not consider proposed or planned infrastructure projects.
Visit the Parallel Generation & Interconnections page for additional information.
The suggested available hosting capacity may be used for general assessment of the prospects for siting new DER in an area. As an example, a site under consideration that is surrounded by facilities with low available hosting capacity may be less economical and efficient than a site near facilities with higher available hosting capacity. The legal disclaimer associated with the hosting capacity tool applies to all usage of the tool. All new DER projects must go through the required application and analysis processes.
The term “generation” refers to any type of system that provides electrical energy through the conversion from another form of energy, such as sunlight, wind, flowing water, or heat. The “electric distribution system” refers to the set of facilities, including wires and transformers, that distribute energy from electric substations to consumers, such as residences, businesses, and industrial sites.
Distribution includes medium voltage power lines (1,000 – 35,000 volts), but not the higher voltages of the electric transmission system. Larger generation facilities, such as fossil fuel power stations, nuclear power stations, wind farms, and very large solar farms, are typically connected directly to the bulk electric transmission system.
The term “distributed energy resources” (DER) refers to generation systems connected to the electric distribution system. This includes rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems, solar farms, and small wind turbines. DER may also include battery energy storage systems. Some DER is capable of injecting power back onto the distribution system.
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