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Natural gas is safe energy source for home use – in fact, it is used by more than half of American households as their main heating source. It is the cleanest-burning fossil fuel available, is efficient and has an excellent safety record due to the physical properties of the gas itself:

  • Natural gas has a very narrow range of flammability, which means it requires extremely specific conditions in order to burn. It also has a very high ignition temperature, at about 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit – almost twice the ignition temperature for gasoline.
  • Natural gas is lighter than air, so it dissipates into the air rapidly, making accidental combustion difficult.
  • Interestingly, although known for its “rotten egg” smell, natural gas is odorless when taken from the ground. Local utilities add a non-toxic chemical odorant called mercaptan to make leaks easy to detect by the distinct smell. However, there may be times when the smell of the odorant is weak or not present, even though there is a leak.

These factors make accidental ignition or combustion of natural gas an unlikely event. Nonetheless, helping you learn how to use this clean-burning energy safely throughout your home is one of our top priorities. It is important for you and your family to understand natural gas and related safety information.

Gas Meter & Vent Safety

Your outdoor natural gas meter is designed to work in harsh winter weather. However, heavy accumulations of snow and ice can damage your meter and threaten your safety. Dominion Energy asks that you follow these basic tips:

  • Make sure your meter is free of clutter and other obstructions, especially snow and ice.
  • When clearing walks or drives, do not pile snow on or near the meter.
  • Keep water from dripping from your roof and freezing on the meter.
  • Carefully remove icicles and snow build-up from roof eaves above the meter and on the meter itself.
  • Never kick or strike the meter to loosen built-up ice or snow.
  • Ensure snow and ice aren’t blocking exhaust vents or combustion air ducts as this could leave occupants exposed to deadly carbon monoxide. Your natural gas appliances, including your furnace, fireplace, water heater and clothes dryer, require good ventilation to operate properly.
Ice on a meter

Following these simple steps will reduce the risk of hazards, including natural gas leaks. If your meter is in one of Utah's high-snowfall areas and/or you regularly have snow burying the meter, please contact us at or 800-323-5517 for a snow shelter evaluation. Read more about Gas Meter Protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do not attempt to locate the source of a gas leak.
  • Do not remain in the building when there is a strong gas odor. From a safe distance, be ready to let our representative into your home or business so he or she can investigate.
  • Do not turn on or off any battery-powered, rechargeable or electrical device, including phones, garage door openers, radios, TVs, computers or any device that could create a spark.
  • Do not turn on or turn off any lights or electrical switches, or unplug appliances.
  • Do not use telephones of any type, including cordless, cell or landline.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Do not position or operate vehicles and power equipment where leaking gas may be present.
  • Do not smoke or use lighters, matches or other open flames.
  • Not sure what natural gas smells like? Request one of our scratch-and-sniff cards and we'll mail one to you.
  • Keep forced-air furnace filters clean. Clean or replace them according to the manufacturer's recommendation.
  • Avoid using or storing these products near the furnace: paint stripper, fabric or water softener, bleach, adhesives, or salt for melting ice. The chlorine or fluorine in these items can lead to furnace corrosion.
  • If your owner's manual recommends it, oil the furnace fan, motor and bearings.
  • Keep your heat registers and cold-air returns clean so the air can flow properly. Also, arrange your furniture and drapes so they don't block the airflow.
  • Have a qualified heating contractor inspect your furnace or boiler annually. A properly tuned furnace saves energy and helps avoid costly repairs.
  • Check flues to make sure they are clean and open, as fuel buildup can create harmful levels of carbon monoxide (CO). CO is a dangerous and odorless gas which can collect in your home if a fuel-burning appliance isn't working properly or venting as it should.

Gas Emergency Numbers

If you smell gas, suspect a leak or if there is an explosion or fire, call Dominion Energy right away. Use these numbers 24 hours a day, every day.

Dominion Energy North Carolina: 877-776-2427
Dominion Energy South Carolina:
Dominion Energy Utah/Wyoming/Idaho:

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