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In order to serve you better, please select your Dominion Energy location services.

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We're ready to respond to any severe weather this week, including below-freezing temperatures and a mix of wintry precipitation across our service territory, particularly along the SC coast. While a slight change in the forecast can be the difference between freezing rain, sleet, snow or ice, our crews remain prepared and flexible. Please stay safe and if you do lose power, report online or with the Dominion Energy app.


Safety is a concern for everyone.

During the time of any construction and maintenance, communication companies should:

  • Consider the electric wires to be energized
  • Know that working in the vicinity of the wires poses potential dangers
  • Warn its employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors of the potential dangers

Potential Applicants

If you are interested in attaching equipment to Dominion Energy South Carolina poles:

The following information will be required for:
  • GPS coordinates of starting and ending points  
  • Detailed maps clearly indicating the poles included and proposed route in the Licensee’s Application  
  • List of Company pole numbers 
  • Tabulated cable attachment point measurements of existing attachments including lowest Company attachment (neutral, secondary, riser attachment points, street light brackets, drip loops, conductor crossings, etc.) 
  • Ground clearances to all conductors over any roads/driveways with span lengths to the edge and midpoint of road/driveway, if not at mid span. 
  • Proposed span guys and anchors 
  • Applicant conductor type (labeled) on span/laterals (ex. 216Fiber w/ 6.6m strand, 24 Fiber w/ 6m strand, etc.) 
  • GPS coordinates of starting and ending points 
  • Detailed maps clearly indicating the poles included and proposed route in the Licensee’s Application  
  • List of Company pole numbers 
  • Applicant conductor type (labeled) on span/laterals (ex. 216Fiber w/ 6.6m strand, 24 Fiber w/ 6m strand, etc.) 
  • Basic description of Pole modifications requested and equipment to be installed. 
  • Specification sheets, equipment drawings etc. which include, at a minimum, the following data: 
    • Dimensions, drawings, specification sheets, etc. of proposed cabinets, antennas, cabling etc. 
    • Map of desired location (KMZ file, paper map, etc.) 
    • Desired height above ground for antennas and other equipment 
    • Total weight of proposed equipment 
    • Example warning signs 
    • Proposed design and location of emergency cut-off switch and warning signs. 
  • Licensee must prominently install on each Customer owned or Streetlight-Only Pole to which it has attached a transmitting antenna, a power cut-off switch that operates to disconnect power from the antenna and a sign warning workers operating on or near the Pole of potential RF emissions and the procedures for disabling the antenna(s), including the location of the cut-off switch and the telephone number of Licensee’s Network Operations Center (“NOC”). The location of the cut-off switch and the warning sign shall be located at a point mutually agreeable to the Parties 
  • In most cases equipment cabinets and meter bases are permitted on Streetlight-Only Poles. Distribution Poles require separate pedestals for equipment cabinets and meter bases. 
  • Licensee’s equipment must be mounted in a configuration which ensures contractors and Owner’s employees can safely climb the pole. 
  • No work shall be initiated in the Supply Space without prior approval of Owner and must be performed by Owner’s employees or an Owner approved contractor that is qualified to work in the Supply Space under the direct supervision of Owner’s employees. 
  • Licensee may not affix any Wireless Facilities to any of Owner’s Poles until Licensee requests and receives written permission from Owner as provided in an Attachment Authorization and executes a Site Supplement. (where applicable) 
  • Once approved you will receive an RF Emissions Certification to sign and return. 
Applicant must be a municipality or other agency of the State of South Carolina
  • A description of all equipment to be installed. 
    • Manufacturer specification sheets for all equipment to be mounted on our Poles including cabinets, antennas, cabling, etc. 
    • Specification sheets for each device must include dimensions, weight, power requirements, etc. No equipment may be installed on Company Poles that has not been approved in advance. 
  • Applicant must give authorization to establish an electric service account for each approved camera and to invoice Applicant for the monthly fee associated with the consumption of electric energy for the approved cameras. 
  • Each approved Camera will be charged a Non-recurring Charge of $100.00 
  • Licensee agrees that all photographic and/or audio recordings obtained from the Licensee’s Camera Facilities may not be used by any Third Party without the prior approval of Licensee and/or as required by law. 
  • Refer to the Camera Attachment License Agreement for a complete list of installation requirements.
  • All Camera Facilities shall be suitably designed, installed and maintained in accordance with good engineering practices and shall comply with Licensor’s Construction Standards, the ground-clearance, electrical safety clearances, and other standards and requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code (“NESC”). 
Applicant must be a municipality or other agency of the State of South Carolina
  • A description and design samples of all proposed signs and/or banners to be attached. 
  • Each approved pole will be charged a Non-recurring Charge of $100.00 
  • All Signs & Banners Facilities shall be suitably designed, installed and maintained in accordance with good engineering practices and shall comply with Licensor’s Construction Standards, the ground-clearance, electrical safety clearances, and other standards and requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code (“NESC”). 
  • Licensee shall obtain, at its own cost and expense, all necessary franchise, licenses, permits or rights which relate to Licensee’s installation and use of the Signs & Banners Facilities 
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