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Changes are coming in February! Learn more about these changes. 

Available Rebates

Gas-Fired Storage Water Heater (Tank)
Minimum UEF Incentive
0.64 $75
0.80 $350
Gas-Fired Tankless Water Heater
Minimum UEF Incentive
0.80 $250
0.90 $400

Uniformed Energy Factor (UEF): The UEF rating method improves the industry's ability to define consistent standards for measuring energy efficiency performance. The higher the UEF value is, the more efficient the water heater.

Gas Furnace
Minimum AFUE Incentive
90% $250
95% $350
Gas Boiler
Minimum AFUE Incentive
90% $200

Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE): For furnaces and boilers, AFUE is a standard measurement of how efficiently furnace converts energy from the fuel it uses into warm air for your business.

Food Service*
Equipment Incentive
Combination Oven $1,000
Convection Oven $400
Commercial Fryer $500
Commercial Griddle $300
Steam Cooker/Pressureless Steamer $1,000

*See Program Application for Efficiency and Size Requirements

Low-Flow Pre-Rinse Spray Valve (PRSV)*
Equipment Incentive
Pre-Rinse Spray Valve $25

*Only commercial-grade PRSVs with a baseline flowrate of no less than 3 or equal to efficient 1.25 GPM are eligible.

Participate Now and How to Apply

  • Have a Licensed Contractor install the ENERGY STAR® Certified Commercial new equipment.
  • Submit application and detailed invoice within 90 days of installation via email or USPS mail.


  • The program is available to Dominion Energy South Carolina's natural gas business customers under general service (Rate 31) and medium general service (Rate 33) rate classes.
  • Applicants must be the customer of record OR own the facility where the installation occurred for an active Dominion Energy South Carolina commercial gas account. Applicants who are not the account holder but do own the property where the service was performed, may apply by including an IRS Form W9, which can be found at
  • Rebates are valid for purchased equipment. Leased equipment will not qualify.
  • All natural gas commercial water heaters meeting the eligibility requirements of this application must be installed or after 12/01/2022. All equipment must be new and must be installed prior to the submission of the rebate application. Only ENERGY STAR® certified natural gas commercial water heaters will qualify. Please visit to see if your unit is ENERGY STAR® certified. Multiple rebates for the same piece of equipment are not permitted.
  • Applicants are responsible for ensuring that equipment installed for this program meets all applicable codes, standards, and requirements. Equipment must be installed by a licensed mechanical contractor.
  • To be eligible for a rebate, installed equipment must be of the same equipment type as removed equipment. (Ex. gas water heaters must be replaced by gas water heaters). This program does not allow fuel switching or provide rebates for new equipment that does not replace old equipment of the same type.
  • Removed equipment must be legally disposed of and must not be reinstalled in our service territory or transferred to any other party for installation in our service territory.
  • Applicants must submit a completed Commercial Natural Gas New Equipment Rebate Application along with a copy of proof of purchase (detailed installation invoice) within 90 days of installation.


female employee in protective gear with tablet

For more information, email us at or call 877-510-7234.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, a licensed contractor must perform the work. We do not provide rebates for self-installed or DIY projects.

Dominion Energy South Carolina's natural gas business customers under general service (Rate 31) and medium general service (Rate 33) rate classes are eligible to receive a rebate.

Yes. As long as your business is a Dominion Energy South Carolina natural gas business customer under general service (Rate 31) and medium general service (Rate 33) rate classes, it qualifies for a rebate.

You must submit your application along with a copy of proof of purchase (detailed installation invoice) within 90 days of installation.

All rebates are paid by check to the account holder.

The average processing time is 4-6 weeks. Please be aware that during peak heating and cooling seasons, we receive a large volume of applications. To ensure your check will be delivered in a timely manner, please use the checklist provided with each application. NOTE: Failure to include a proof of purchase (detailed installation invoice) is the most common reason for delays in receiving a check.

Dominion Energy South Carolina does not provide any recommendations or referrals. Some options and potential resources to consider include:

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