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Changes are coming in February! Learn more about these changes. 

Activate Service

As a qualified transportation customer, you can make arrangements to purchase gas and transport it to Dominion Energy North Carolina for your own account(s) or contract with an approved Dominion Energy North Carolina shipper. Dominion Energy North Carolina accepts only one designated shipper for each account for any given month.

Man working on a gas pipe

Contracting with a Shipper

man on phone and looking at laptop

If you're new to the program, or your company information has changed (such as contact names, shipper selection or account information), you must complete our Customer Authorization Form.

Customer Authorization Form

Customer Billing and Balancing

The shipper bills the customer for the cost of the gas and transportation fees to move the gas to Dominion Energy North Carolina's system. Dominion Energy North Carolina provides all shippers with the actual quantities of gas consumed by their customers, and the shippers use the actual quantities for billing. Dominion Energy North Carolina bills the customer for transportation service on our system. All gas consumed by a customer during any month that the customer is transporting is billed by Dominion Energy North Carolina at the customer's applicable transportation rate. The only exception involves gas quantities consumed by Interruptible Rate 150 accounts during periods of requested curtailment.

man checking tablet

Qualify as a Dominion Energy Shipper

Audrey and Ed working in the storm center

If you wish to act as a shipper for delivering gas supplies into the Dominion Energy North Carolina system, please complete and deliver two original Transportation Pooling Agreements to the Transportation & Administration Department of Dominion Energy North Carolina.

Proposals from shippers to acquire interstate pipeline capacity from Dominion Energy North Carolina are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Current season (i.e., summer/winter)
  2. Availability of capacity
  3. Proposed term of transaction
  4. Proposed primary delivery point (i.e., on-system/off-system)
  5. Market pricing (commodity and basis)

Dominion Energy North Carolina does not give any shipper preference over a similarly situated shipper in matters relating to capacity assignment, release or any other transfer of capacity rights on the interstate pipeline system.

Transportation Pooling Agreement

Joint Meetings with Customers and Marketers/Shippers

Dominion Energy North Carolina representatives will meet with customers and their gas marketing affiliate after a customer requests a joint meeting in writing and submits such request to Dominion Energy North Carolina.

Upon written request, Dominion Energy North Carolina representatives will meet with customers and nonaffiliated gas marketers under the same conditions as they will meet jointly with customers and its gas marketing affiliate.

A record of all joint meetings between Dominion Energy North Carolina, a customer and a gas marketer (affiliated or nonaffiliated) is kept on file in Dominion Energy's corporate office. This information identifies the customer, the marketer (affiliated or nonaffiliated) and the participating Dominion Energy North Carolina personnel, and is available for review by any customer, any nonaffiliated gas marketer, the Utilities Commission and the Public Staff of the Utilities Commission.

Dominion Energy North Carolina will post a description and the noncommercial terms of any joint marketing agreement entered into with its gas marketing affiliate. This information will be posted on Dominion Energy North Carolina's website along with an offer by Dominion Energy North Carolina to engage in a joint marketing arrangement on similar terms with a nonaffiliated gas marketer at least 14 days prior to the commencement of such an arrangement and the information will remain on the website for the duration of the arrangement.

Transportation Nomination Calendar

The shipper must submit nominations for each month's transportation to Dominion Energy North Carolina in writing on or before the deadlines indicated on the Transportation Nomination Schedule.

Nominations are due by 5:00 p.m. on the indicated Dominion Energy North Carolina Nomination Deadline.

Intra-month revisions to gas quantities being delivered to Dominion Energy North Carolina must be received by Dominion Energy North Carolina in writing or by fax no later than 5:00 p.m. two days prior to the day of gas flow.

Requests for service under Special Sales Rate Schedule 160 or Special Transportation Rate Schedule 165 must be received by Dominion Energy North Carolina no later than 2 p.m. on the business day following the NYMEX Settlement Date.

Transportation Nominations
Dominion Energy Employee

Alternate Fuel

A man working on gas pipes

Dominion Energy North Carolina offers two Rate Schedules to accommodate eligible customers who maintain an alternate fuel source.

Special Sales Rate 160 is available to Rate Schedule 150 customers with installed and operable alternate fuel capabilities on those occasions when Dominion Energy North Carolina has gas available that is not needed to provide service under its other Rate Schedules containing fixed rates.

Special Transportation Rate 165 is available to Rate Schedule 170 customers with installed and operable alternate fuel capabilities on those occasions when Dominion Energy North Carolina has transportation service available that is not needed to provide service under its other Rate Schedules containing fixed rates. Dominion Energy North Carolina may require customers to demonstrate that their alternate fuel capabilities are able to operate before providing service under these Rate Schedules, and sales are provided only in accordance with Dominion Energy North Carolina's guidelines as may be revised from time to time.

Alternate Fuel Price Info Form

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