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We're ready to respond to any severe weather this week, including below-freezing temperatures and a mix of wintry precipitation across our service territory, particularly along the SC coast. While a slight change in the forecast can be the difference between freezing rain, sleet, snow or ice, our crews remain prepared and flexible. Please stay safe and if you do lose power, report online or with the Dominion Energy app.


Explore Solar Options

Focus First on Energy Efficiency

Before you consider installing solar, make sure your building is energy efficient. Maximizing your property's energy efficiency first helps ensure the electricity generated by your solar system is not lost through leaky duct work, inadequate insulation or an inefficient heating and cooling system.

We also recommend that you read A Solar Guide for South Carolina Business Owners for helpful information about the decision making process for installing solar and the many factors to be considered before, during and after installing panels on your business.

Some additional helpful links:

solar farm
paying bills

Consider Tax Credits

Tax credits for rooftop installations can help offset the cost of solar investments. You can visit USDOE – Federal Clean Energy Tax Credits to find out more about the tax credits and their expiration dates and we suggest you consult with your tax advisor for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not all properties are suitable for rooftop solar. Before you make the commitment to install, make sure that your building (roof structure, capacity, pitch, shading, etc.) is suitable for solar panels. You might also consider a ground-mounted solar system on your property. See A Solar Guide for South Carolina Business Owners.

While we are unable to offer assistance or advice regarding tax credits, we recommend working with a certified tax adviser to determine your eligibility.

Yes. You can visit USDOE – Federal Clean Energy Tax Credits to find our more about the tax credits and their expiration dates and we suggest you consult with your tax advisor for more information.

Dominion Energy does not offer cash rebates or financing for installing solar.

While this PDF guide addresses many of the factors that should be considered before, during and after solar installation, it is not a comprehensive technical, design, or installation guide. You should always consult with an experienced solar contractor to determine the right system for your business.

For inquiries pertaining to your solar system, contact your solar contractor. After reviewing this website, if you have additional questions specific to Dominion Energy's solar programs, please email us or call us at 800-251-7234.

Work With an Installer

Find a professional for advice and installation.

You'll work in consultation with an independent solar Installer to assess your site and apply to participate. Once you've been approved, you'll purchase or lease rooftop panels from the Installer for interconnection to the Dominion power grid.

Always use a professional, licensed contractor to install your solar electric system. While Dominion Energy does not endorse any contractors, here are some resources to consider:

Buying vs. Leasing

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether to buy or lease your system. Consult with your Installer to determine which choice is right for you.

Buying a renewable energy system from a contractor or manufacturer means paying for it up front or financing your purchase through a bank loan. Consult with you tax advisor, as federal tax credits and SC tax credits may be available.

You can also check out the Department of Consumer Affairs' Renewable Energy Marketing Pamphlet and the Standard Disclosure: Sale or Lease of Renewable Energy Facilities, which provide you with the consumer rights related to buying or leasing a renewable energy system.

employee walking in field of solar panels
employee next to row of solar panels

Leasing allows you to “rent” the renewable energy system for a set period of time. Generally, you pay a fixed monthly rate no matter how much energy the system produces each month, though this rate may escalate each year during the term of the lease. Because you do not own the system, federal and state tax credits may not be available – consult with your tax advisor to confirm.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you purchase or lease your solar system by 5/31/2021, please note that the current Net Energy Metering tariff has been approved through 5/31/2029, after which date the cost structure for your customer generation will change.

Dominion Energy Equipment Requirements

Work with your chosen Installer to ensure the following equipment is included with your system:

AC Disconnect Switch must be:

  • Accessible to Dominion Energy personnel
  • Installed in close or visible proximity to the main meter
  • Must provide a visible air gap and be lockable in the off position

Generation Metering must be:

  • Accessible to Dominion Energy personnel
  • Installed in close and visible proximity to the main meter

Frequently Asked Questions

Dominion Energy South Carolina does not offer installation services or provide oversight of the installation process; however we conduct a field inspection to ensure that the installation meets our requirements. Selecting an experienced solar contractor is one of the most important steps in the overall installation process.

Dominion Energy South Carolina does not offer financing options or installation services for solar systems.

Select Your Solar Program

Once you've established that solar is an option for your business, we can offer different programs with varied rate and billing structures to suit your particular needs.

Solar Choice

Customers will move to the Non-Residential Rate 16 – Time of Use Rate. Customers will consume self-generated power and will be credited for excess energy delivered to DESC based upon the on-peak and off-peak periods defined by the Time of Use Rate. Solar Choice – Rider to Non-Residential Rate 16

Offset Only

Customer offsets usage at retail. No credit for excess energy sent back to grid.

Buy All / Sell All

Customer purchases energy under the current rate and sells all generation to utility at the Small Power Production, Cogeneration Rate.

man kneeling on solar panels

Frequently Asked Questions

The Solar Choice program allows the customer to consume self-generated power and be credit for excess energy delivered to DESC based upon the on-peak and off-peak periods defined by the Time-of-Use Rate. You can learn more about those rates here: Solar Choice – Rider to Non-Residential Rate 16 and Non-Residential Rate 16 – Time of Use Rate.

Net Metering provides one way for customers who generate their own renewable electricity to reduce the power they need for their business. You will receive a credit that you can rollover for any excess energy that you generate. See a sample monthly bill for a customer participating in Net Metering. This program expired to new participants on May 31, 2021.

The costs associated with installing a solar array can vary widely depending on your site's specifications and which Installer you choose to work with. You can find more information on the U.S. Department of Energy's website, and get a general idea of potential costs by using the PVWatts calculator tool on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory web site.

Apply For and Install Your System

Work with your Installer to implement your solar program.

Continue consulting with your chosen Installer to establish your system specifications, and to submit all required application forms, supporting documents, and fees. Once Dominion Energy has processed and approved your submission, you're free to have your Installer move forward with system setup and interconnection to the Dominion power grid.

employees looking at documents

Indicate Your System Size/Program

To ensure a timely interconnection, complete and submit all required information before you move forward with your solar installation.

For Systems ≤ 20 kW

  1. Gather required information:
    • Dominion Energy electric account number
    • Installer's name and contact information
    • Proof of Liability Insurance ($100,000 or more per occurrence)
    • Download the Single-Line Diagram to document PV System information, including inverter and array brands, models, and installation details. This PDF is also located in PowerClerk.
    • Access to additional technical resource documents.
  2. Submit Application via PowerClerk:

    If you decide to provide your installer access to PowerClerk, be aware that agreements between you and Dominion Energy, and all documents will require your signature.

    After all required information is entered into PowerClerk, the following items will be produced for your completion and digital signature:

    • Interconnection Request Application
    • Solar Energy Program Application
    • IRS W-9 Form

    Your must also upload Proof of Property (Liability) Insurance and a Single Line Diagram.

  3. Pay your $100 Processing Fee:

    Pay online ($3.50 Convenience Charge per transaction) via Paymentus.

    Or mail your check to:

    • Dominion Energy – Renewable Energy Team
      220 Operation Way
      Cayce, SC 29033
      Mail Code: OSC-2A

For Systems > 20 kW up to 80,000 kW

(or a system ≤ 20 kW that has exceeded the reserve circuit phase capacity requirement)

  1. Gather required information:
    • Single Line Diagram
      • Must have clear indication of point of interconnection, method of interconnection, and DESC billing meter number.
      • Projects > 50 kW must be signed/sealed by a licensed engineer.
    • Site Plan
      • Must indicate point of interconnection, point of access to equipment, billing meter, and proposed location of disconnect switch and generation meter.
    • Evidence of Site Control (tax bill, etc.)
    • Equipment Specifications
    • Proof of Liability Insurance (20-250 kW = $300,000 per occurrence; > 250 kW = $1,000,000 per occurrence)
    • IRS Form W-9 (Download from IRS)
  2. Submit Application via PowerClerk:
  3. Pay the Application Fee:
    • Application Fee is based on the size of your project.
      • $250 for > 20 kW up to 100 kW
      • $500 for > 100 kW up to 1,000 kW
      • $100 for ≤ 20 kW that exceeded the reserve circuit phase capacity requirement
    • Pay online ($3.50 Convenience Charge per transaction) via Paymentus.
    • Or mail your check to:
      • Dominion Energy SC – Transmission Support Team
        220 Operation Way, Mail Code OSC-2A
        Cayce, SC 29033

To learn more about the steps for interconnecting, please visit Renewable Energy Developers.

Transfer of Solar Service (20kW or Smaller)

Have you acquired a business that has an existing solar system that is 20 kW or smaller? Unlike electric, gas and outdoor lighting service, the solar service does not automatically transfer to the new account. It must be applied for by the new owner. Once the Transfer of Solar Service application process is completed in our PowerClerk system, the solar generation meter will be reconnected.

You must be the owner in order to apply for solar service. If a renter/tenant starts service at a premise that has solar service, they will not be able to have the solar service reconnected and benefit from the solar generation.

When you start the application process you will be asked to provide your contact information, which should match the Dominion Energy's account holder information. You will need to upload your Property Insurance Policy. Please be sure that the policy contains the following: Insured Name, Insured Address, Start and Expiration Date of the policy, and the Liability coverage of at least $100,000 per occurrence.

Within 3-5 business days of receiving your submitted application, you will receive an email from us via DocuSign. Please read the Interconnection documents and, if you agree, DocuSign will guide you through electronically signing your documents.

Once you have signed your documents, we will reconnect the solar service within 5-10 business days (weather permitting). You will receive an email with your official “Approval to Energize”, which means you can activate your Solar Energy System.

A $50 Transfer fee will be added to your next bill after you receive your approval email.

If you do not know how to turn on your solar system, you will need to reach out to the previous owners or to the solar installer for assistance.

Start Your Transfer of Solar Service

To transfer a Solar System larger than 20 kW, please email

employee with hands on hips
If you have any questions, email or call Dominion Energy at 866-660-3705.
Email Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Customers can offset up to 100% of their electrical usage without exceeding 1,000 kW for non-residential customers. Dominion Energy uses a customer's last 12 months of electric usage and a capacity factor of 1,589 to determine the amount of solar a customer can have.






10,717 / (365 * 24 * 0.1589 * 1.1) = 7.0


Renewable Energy customers who interconnect on or after January 1, 2015 are eligible to receive an annual bill credit if their solar generation exceeds their usage. The value of any bill credit/payment you receive could be treated as income. Consult with your tax advisor for more information.

You and your Installer will both receive an auto-response email confirming receipt of your completed application forms and fee; we will then contact you both via email within 15 business days to notify you of the outcome of the technical review.

It is important that you wait for approval from Dominion Energy to ensure your system plans adhere to system requirements for the interconnection process.

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