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SCC Approval Process

The Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) has regulatory authority over all energy providers in Virginia and requires certification for all transmission lines out of the ordinary course of doing business. or are at or above 138 kV. Among other responsibilities, the SCC validates the need for a proposed line and approves the route and structures. In reviewing a proposed project, the SCC must consider whether potential impacts on scenic assets, historic districts and the environment have been reasonably minimized.

To learn more about this process, please view our SCC application review process .

Procedural Schedule

The following key dates and developments are related to the SCC review timeline. For the most up-to-date and full listing of motions, rulings and other related documents, please refer to the SCC docket for this case. On July 26, 2022, the SCC issued its Final Order  authorizing Dominion Energy to proceed with this project.

Application Documents

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