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This 26.5-mile overhead electric transmission line was constructed in 1967 on primarily wooden monopole (single-pole) structures. The line needs to be rebuilt to meet current safety and reliability standards based on end-of-life concerns.
The replacement structures are brown, weathering steel monopole structures that are similar in height and appearance to the existing structures. The new structures will be located near the existing structures using the current transmission line easement. Most of the line will not require new right of way except a section of the line between the Tunis and Murphy substations. This section will require an additional 10 feet on either side to maintain current safety standards.
This schedule is subject to change, pending any technical or inclement weather delays.
Identifying danger trees in the electric transmission right of way is an important step in the preconstruction process. Danger trees are trees located outside the right of way that have the potential to fall within 10 feet of the transmission line. Removing this vegetation is necessary to maintain safe and dependable electric service in your community.
In late June 2024, a certified pilot will conduct danger tree surveys along the 27-mile electric transmission line between Tunis and Boykins substations using an FAA-registered drone. Using drones to identify danger trees is safe, efficient, accurate, and leaves a small carbon footprint.
Your electric service is not expected to be impacted by this project.
This project is not expected to impact traffic.
Noise levels will be moderate; permits are in place.
This project will not have environmental impacts.
Access to surrounding neighborhoods will not be impacted.
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